Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Striving for Excellence     
Someone once said, “The elevator to the top is out of order, so to there you must take the steps.” Whatever is your field of endeavor, chances are you striving to make it to the top. However, often in our struggle to get the most out of life we find ourselves in the position where it is difficult to gauge where we are in the struggle. In some endeavors it’s a lot easier to determine where we are in comparison to reaching the pinnacle of achievement than in others.
 In the world of athletics for example, winning the championship game represents the ultimate in that sport. It's easy to see, and to measure your success in athletics. In business, having achieved a certain level of profits, or market share represents being the best. Statistics and growth charts help you determine how you are progressing. However, it’s hard to determine when you've reached the pinnacle of day to day living.

If there was a championship of life, what would be the criteria of winning? What does it mean to be at the top of life? In any endeavor, being at the top represents several things. However, the primary thing that being at the top represents is excellence. Excellence can be defined as setting a goal, then taking the necessary steps in the proper order to achieve the desired result that was planned before you took the first step. In other words, excellence is achieving what you want to achieve. Excellence is becoming and being what you designed to become and to be. Excellence is the fulfilment of the purpose for which God created you.  
If you want to have fulfilled life, strive for excellence. Our quality of life is in direct proportion to a person’s commitment to excellence. Somerset Maugham said, “It’s a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it.”
Excellence is a matter of refusing to settle for less than what God wants for you.
Most people want excellence, but few people really achieve the level of excellence that they desire or are capable of. We often hear motivational speeches about desire and destiny and how to get what you want out of life. But excellence is more than destiny and desire.  Excellence takes hard work and strong determination. To achieve excellence you first must have a vision of excellence. What will it look like when you get where you want to be is a good question to ask, but a better question of vision is what does the journey look like? What are the landmarks that will indicate that you are on the right track?  Excellence requires that you set goals, and make plans that will allow you to reach your goals and fulfill your vision.

Vision is what can be. A goal is what you want to be. Your commitment is often what determines what will be. Grand vision, great goals and great plans will be nothing but daydreams and fantasies without being committed to the necessary actions to fulfill your purpose.
Someone once wisely said, “Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
What steps are you taking to reach the level of excellence that God has purposed you for? What is it that you want to accomplish? When do you want to be accomplished? How will you do it? What does the journey look like?
If you want excellence, here are a few suggestions:
Ø  Depend upon divine assistance.
You are never in anything alone. In fact, the only way can achieve God’s purpose for your life is with the help of God.  The Apostle Paul says; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Ø  Develop a mindset of excellence.
 Believe that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. To paraphrase Solomon in proverbs 23:7, whatever a man thinks, that’s what he becomes
Ø  Determine to excel.
Don't ever give up! Despite whatever obstacles that come your way realize that you can make it!  If God is for you, He is more than the whole world against you!

Striving for excellence is mandatory for survival. The reality for every one of us in everything we do is either excellence or obsolescence. 

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